Yancha for Schools
Child Development
The two most crucial places where child development takes place are the School and Home. A School provides opportunity for development all the way from Grade 1 or before to Grade 12. The Yancha Kids program caters to children in the age range of 4 – 12 years; while the Yancha Teens caters for the age groups 13 – 21 years.
Yancha Teens curriculum for the school can be paced as per the needs over a period of 6 months to 1 year or more.
A student at a school can go through the six stages to evolve self:
Stage 1: Yancha Initiation Program – for the Parent, so that a common understanding can be evolved and any self-limiting thought processes that might have developed can be ironed out
Stage 2: Yancha Teens Awareness Program – for the Teenager and the parent to go through together, so that a future path can be created jointly
Stage 3: Yancha Questionnaire – for the Parent and the Teenager to assess self. A teacher should be involved as well; to identify the behaviours that need development and the ones that the individual is already strong and can be reinforced. For further clarity, it can be discussed in a One-on-One session with a Yancha Guide.
Stage 4: Yancha Transformation Program – for the Teenager to go through along with guidance from teachers, friends, Yancha Guides and well-wishers
Stage 5: Yancha Career Choice – for the Teenager along with structured guidance from Yancha Guides and Subject Matter Experts
Stage 6: Yancha Behavioral Lab – a place, in the school, for the teenager to discuss the behavioural issues and possible opportunities – on a small group or one-on-one basis with the Yancha Guide